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Section 2

Standards of Conduct and Employee Performance

2.1 Anti- Harassment and Discrimination.

Hold My Luggage, Inc., is committed to providing a work environment free of sexual or any form of unlawful harassment or discrimination. Harassment or unlawful discrimination against individuals on the basis of race, religion, creed, color, national origin, sex, pregnancy, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, ancestry, physical or mental disability, genetic information, marital status or any other classification protected by local, state or federal laws is illegal and prohibited by Company policy. Such conduct by or towards any employee, contract worker, customer, vendor or anyone else who does business with Hold My Luggage, Inc., will not be tolerated. Any employee or contract worker who violates this policy will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of his or her employment or engagement. To the extent a customer, vendor or another person with whom Hold My Luggage, Inc., does business engages in unlawful harassment or discrimination, the Company will take appropriate corrective action.

Prohibited Conduct:

Prohibited harassment or discrimination includes any verbal, physical or visual conduct based on sex, race, age, national origin, disability or any other legally protected basis if:

  • a. submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of an individual's employment or engagement;
  • b. submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as a basis for decisions concerning that individual's employment or engagement; or
  • c. it creates a hostile or offensive work environment.

Prohibited harassment includes (but is not limited to) unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors and lewd, vulgar or obscene remarks, jokes, posters or cartoons, and any unwelcome touching, pinching or another physical contact. Other forms of unlawful harassment or discrimination may include racial epithets, slurs and derogatory remarks, stereotypes, jokes, posters or cartoons based on race, national origin, age, disability, marital status or other legally protected categories. Prohibited harassment might also be transmitted using the Company's electronic communications system, or through other online conduct.

Complaint Procedure:

Employees or contract workers who feel that they have been harassed or discriminated against, or who witness any harassment or discrimination by an employee, contract worker, customer, vendor or anyone else who does business with Hold My Luggage, Inc., should immediately report such conduct to their supervisor or any other member of management.

Do not allow an inappropriate situation to continue by not reporting it, regardless of who is creating the situation. No employee, contract worker, customer, vendor or another person who does business with this organization is exempt from the prohibitions in this policy. In response to every complaint, Hold My Luggage, Inc., will conduct an investigation which may involve interviewing witnesses if warranted and, if the improper conduct is found, take appropriate corrective action.

To the extent that an employee or contract worker is not satisfied with the Company's handling of a harassment or discrimination complaint, he or she may also contact the appropriate state or federal enforcement agency for legal relief.

2.3 Discipline and Standards of Conduct.

As an at-will employer, Hold My Luggage, Inc., may impose discipline whenever it determines it is necessary or appropriate. Discipline may take various forms, including verbal counseling, written warnings, suspension, demotion, transfer, reassignment or termination. The discipline imposed will depend on the circumstances of each case; therefore, discipline will not necessarily be imposed in any particular sequence. Moreover, at any time the Company determines it is appropriate, an employee may be terminated immediately.

Every organization must have certain standards of conduct to guide the behavior of employees. Although there is no possible way to identify every rule of conduct, the following is an illustrative list (not intended to be comprehensive or to limit the Hold My Luggage, Inc's., right to impose discipline for any other conduct it deems inappropriate). Keep in mind that these standards of conduct apply to all employees whenever they are on Company property and/or conducting Company business (on or off Company property). Engaging in any conduct the Hold My Luggage, Inc., deems inappropriate may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination.

  • (a) Dishonesty;
  • (b) Falsification of Company records;
  • (c) Unauthorized use or possession of property that belongs to the Company, a coworker, or of the public;
  • (d) Possession or control of illegal drugs, weapons, explosives, or other dangerous or unauthorized materials;
  • (e) Fighting, engaging in threats of violence or violence, use of vulgar or abusive language, horseplay, practical jokes or other disorderly conduct that may endanger others or damage property;
  • (f) Insubordination, failure to perform assigned duties or failure to comply with the Company's health, safety or other rules;
  • (g) Unauthorized or careless use of the Company's materials, equipment or property;
  • (h) Unauthorized and/or excessive absenteeism or tardiness;
  • (i) Lack of teamwork, poor communication, unsatisfactory performance, unprofessional conduct, or conduct improper for the workplace;
  • (j) Sexual or other illegal harassment or discrimination;
  • (k) Unauthorized use or disclosure of the Company's confidential information;
  • (l) Violation of any Company policy.

*This webpage page includes only Section 2.1 and 2.3 of the company CODE OF ETHICS. You may request in writing our complete company CODE OF ETHICS AND COMPANY STANDARDS. Email to receive an electronic copy.